[First, please note that, as yet, this is not the full list. It doesn’t seem to be possible to transfer the formatting from existing lists to here; so it’ll be done in stages, starting from the two titles published yesterday; then moving back to recent previous meetings; and then further back as seems appropriate.Stock will be checked first.]
Cobbing, Bob; Lightsong 2; ISBN 978 0 86162 330 3; 6pp small format in an envelope; December 1983 reissued February 2007
£3.00 + £1 (p & p UK)
Edwards, Ken; My Half of the Conversation; 8pp; A6 portrait; chapbook based on A4 card; May 1980; reissued June 2005; ISBN 978-0-86162-263-4
£0.60 + £0.60 (p & p for UK)
Ely, Roger; Dreams, fantasies and recollections; 51 pp B5; February 1987
£3.00 + £1.50 (p & p for UK)
Fetherstone, Patrick; 18 Quadruple Readings; 20 pp single-sided; 8" x 6", duplicated; cover 9¼" x 7¼", silkscreened by Jennifer Pike from a design by Bob Cobbing; September 1965, reprinted March 1996; ISBN 978-0-86162-022-7
£3.00 + £1.50 (p & p for UK)
Fetherston, Patrick; Muses awaited; 40 pp; B5 portrait; November 1988; ISBN 978-0-86162-428-7
£3.00 + £1.50 (p & p for UK)
Fetherston, Patrick; Noons and afternoons; 36 pp; A5 portrait; November 1989; ISBN 978-0-86162-441-6
£3.00 + £1.50 (p & p for UK)
Fetherston, Patrick; Schools; 38 pp; A5 portrait; April 1991; ISBN 978-0-86162-480-5
£3.00 + £1.50 (p & p for UK)
Fetherston, Patrick; Standing: a poem in thirty stanzas; 32 pp; A5 portrait; October 1991; ISBN 978-0-86162-491-1
£3.00 + £1.50 (p & p for UK)
Fetherston, Patrick; What it is to reflect; 40 pp; A5 portrait; October 1990; ISBN 978-0-86162-467-6
£3.00 + £1.50 (p & p for UK)
Finch, Peter; Antarktika; 22 pp; A5 portrait from A4 folded Japanese fashion, litho; cover by author; January 1973; reprinted November 1981; August 1984; June 1996; ISBN 978-0-86162-092-0
£3.00 + £1.00 (p & p for UK)
Finch, Peter; On criticism; 21pp quarto portrait; ISBN 978-0-86162-344-0
£2.50 +£1 (p & p for UK)
Griffiths, Bill; A text book of drama; 144 pp B5; June 1987; ISBN 0 86162 403
£5.00 +£1 (p & p for UK)
Griffiths, Bill; Book of the boat; 26 pp B5 Japanese fold February 1988; ISBN 0 86162 416 5
£5.00 + £1.00 (p & p for UK)
Halsey, Alan; The book of coming forth in official secrecy; ISBN 0 86162 278 1; May 1981 reprinted May 1997 and December 1999
£4.00 + £1.00 p & p for UK)
Hansel, Stanislaw; Children of Atlantis; June 1990; ISBN 978-0-86162-459-1
£2.00 + £1.00 (p & p for UK)
Hansel, Stanislaw; Forcefields in February 1985; 14 pp A4 portrait; June 1990; ISBN 978-0-86162-461-4
£2.00 + £1.00 (p & p for UK)
Houédard, Dom Sylvester and Cobbing, Bob (editors); Kroklok # 2; 32 pp; A4 portrait; duplicated; duplicated cover designed by Peter Mayer and Bob Cobbing. Reprints “Three Minimanifestoes” by Bob Cobbing and publishes poems by Raoul Hausmann, Kurt Schwitters, Antonin Artaud, Rabelais, Peter Mayer, Neil Mills, Charles Verey, Hugo Ball, Severini, Theo van Doesburg. Eugen Gomringer, Pierre Albert-Birot, Michel Seuphor, Henri Chopin and Man Ray. Notes by Bob Cobbing; ; September 1971, reissued January 2007; ISBN 978-0-86162-076-0
£3 + £1.00 (p & p for UK)
Houédard, Dom Sylvester with Cobbing, Bob & Mayer, Peter (editors); Kroklok # 3; 32pp, A4 portrait. Feature: Speech as Mime or Gesture (with examples) by Peter Mayer; poems by Christian Morgenstcrn, Ernst Jandl, Peter Finch, Jeremy Adler, Michael Chant, Peter Greenham, Brion Gysin, Ilya Zdanevich, Helmut Hcissenbuttel, Bob Cobbing, August Stramm (introduction to Stramm by Jeremy Adler). Notes by Bob Cobbing. ISBN 978-0-86162-076-0. December 1972, reissued February 2007
£3.00 + £1 (p & p UK)
Cobbing, Bob & Upton, Lawrence (editors); Word Score Utterance Choreography; ISBN 978-0-86162-750-9
£9 + £1.50 (p & p for UK)
Jackson, Tony & Grierson, Myra; Ryma's Throat; 14 pp A4 portrait; ISBN 0 86162 424 6; May 1988
£2.00 + £1.00 (p & p for UK)
James, Elizabeth; Recognition; 978-0-86162-969-5
£1.00 + £0.60 (p & p for UK)
Joris, Pierre; Translations from Arthur Rimbaud's Une Saisonen Enfer; 7 A4 sheets in folder; 15th December 1984 reprinted 3 August 1991; ISBN 978-0-86162-342-6
£2.00 + £1.00 (p & p for UK)
Johnson, Nicholas; Hassell; 16 pp (single sided); A3 landcsape; ISBN 978-0-86162-816-2
£5 + £2.50 (p & p for UK)
Monk, Geraldine; Herein lie tales of two inner cities; 27 pp quarto; May 1986, second reprint October 1988; ISBN 97 8-0-86162-381-5
£3.00 + £1.50 (p & p for UK)
Monk, Geraldine; La Quinta del Sordo; 8pp; A4 October 1980; reprinted October 1994; ISBN 978-0-86162-265-8
£3.00 + £1.50 (p & p for UK)
Monk, Geraldine; Long Wake; cover design Robert Clark; 25pp; quarto w/ Pirate Press; July 1979; ISBN 978-0-86162-243-6
£3.00 + £1.50 (p & p for UK)
Mottram, Eric; Towards design in poetry; London; 38pp A4 portrait; August 1977 (originally announced for December 1976) ; reprinted; reprinted 1984; reprinted 1988; reprinted 1995; reprinted January 2000; reprinted, in association with Veer Books, January 2004; second edition (OCR scanned from a copy of the first edition first printing) January 2005; ISBN 978-1-84254-618-5
£3 + £1.50 (p & p for UK)
Musgrove, Keith; Tests; 8pp; A6 chapbook based on A4 card; reissued November 2006; ISBN 0 86162 248
£0.60 + £0.60 (p & p for UK)
Nuttall, Jeff; Mad with music; with Pirate Press; February 1987; reprint July 1989 ISBN 0 86162 398 3
£3.00.+ £1.00 (p & p for UK)
Nuttall, Jeff; Mr. Watkins got Drunk and had to be Carried Home; from an idea by William Burroughs; 48pp, 8" x 6½", litho, cover design by Jeff Nuttall. 12 copies of first edition numbered and signed by the author. Edition of 500. First edition.September 1968; second edition June 1979; ISBN 0 86162 039 9
£3.00.+ £1.00 (p & p for UK)
Nuttall, Jeff; Oscar Christ and the Immaculate Conception; 32pp, 8" x 6½”, litho, cover design by Jeff Nuttall; September 1968; reprint (called “edition”) August 1970; reprint May 1997; August 1970 reprint reissued November 2006; ISBN 0 86162 038
£3.00.+ £1.00 (p & p for UK)
Nuttall, Jeff; Scenes and dubs; with Pirate Press; February 1987 reprint July 1989; ISBN 978-0-86162-400-3
£3.00.+ £1.00 (p & p for UK)
Nuttall, Jeff; Supper moves unlight; March 2002; ISBN 978-1-84254-052-7
£3.00.+ £1.00 (p & p for UK)
Nuttall, Jeff; Two nice legs; ISBN 1 84254 058
£4.00.+ £1.00 (p & p for UK)
Nuttall, Jeff; Viper; 26 pp; colour cover; March 2002; ISBN 1 84254 057 4
£3.00.+ £1.00 (p & p for UK)
Nuttall, Jeff; Oscar Christ and the Immaculate Conception; 32pp, 8" x 6½”, litho, cover design by Jeff Nuttall; September 1968; reprint (called “edition”) August 1970; reprint May 1997; August 1970 reprint reissued November 2006; ISBN 0 86162 038
£3.00.+ £1.00 (p & p for UK)
O’Rourke, P J; Nancy Adler Poems; 11 pp printed one side; 10" x 8", duplicated; cover design by author; December 1970; 978-0-86162-068-5
£10 + £1 (p & p for UK)
Sondheim, Alan; Orders of the real; 44 pp; A4 portrait; cover by author; 18 June 2005; reprinted January 2007; ISBN 1 84254 601 5
£4.00 + £1.50 (p & p for UK)
Stickney, Walt Christopher; To Night • Little David on Mouth Harp; 12 pp printed one side only; 10" x 8"; cover and illustrations by Brian McCollum; December 1970 ISBN 0 86162 067
£1 + £1.00 (p & p for UK)
Sumner, Alaric; The Instability of Inherence Section 1: exploring The Instability; cover image by author; editorial note by Lawrence Upton; 28 pp A5 portrait; ISBN 978 1 84254 373 3; January 2006
£2.50 + £0.60 (p & p for UK)
Sumner, Alaric; The Instability of Inherence Section 2: exploring inherence; cover image by Lawrence Upton; 24 pp A5 portrait; ISBN 978 1 84254 374 1; 4 February 2006
£2.50 + £0.60 (p & p for UK)
Sumner, Alaric; The Instability of Inherence Section 3: exploring Inherent Instability & Section 4: exploring The Instability Of Inherence; cover image by Lawrence Upton; 28 pp A5 portrait; ISBN 978 1 84254 375 X; 25th February 2006
£2.50 + £0.60 (p & p for UK)
Sumner, Alaric; The Shock of Shock: extremeness in writing and performance; cover by Lawrence Upton; ; edited by Lawrence Upton; 28 pp A5 portrait; January 2006 ISBN 978 1 84254 602 3; £2.50 + £0.60 (p & p for UK)
Sumner, Alaric; Tonight, from Act 2; cover image by author; editorial note by Lawrence Upton; 20 pp A5 portrait; ISBN 978 1 84254 378 4; £2.50 + £0.60 (p & p for UK)
Sumner, Alaric; LETTERS for dear AUGUSTINE - the semantic text i.e. excluding the graphic elements; A4 portrait; 41 pp; edited by Lawrence Upton; some copies comb bound; July 2004; third revised edition January 2007; ISBN 1 84254 526 4; £3.50 + £1.50 (p & p for UK)
Upton, Lawrence (editor); Alaric Sumner: Documentation of his writing, performances and other artistic activities (Version 3); 39 pp; A4 portrait; Writers Forum; ISBN 978 1 84254 397 X; January 2007; £7.00 + £1.50 (p & p for UK)
Upton, Lawrence; Easy kill; 11 pp (single sided); A3 landscape; ISBN 978-0-86162-815-5
£6.00 + £2.50 (p & p for UK)
Upton, Lawrence; Remembering Alaric Sumner; co-published with words worth books; 12 pp; A5 portrait; September 2004; ISBN 978-1-84254-549-2
£1.00 + £0.60 (p & p for UK)
Weller, M J; Beowulf Cartoon; introduction by Bill Griffiths; published in association with Visual Associations, London; September 2004; ISBN 978-1-84254-584
£15 + £2 (p & p for UK)
Whiting, John; Cage on cage; 6 pp in A4 plastic wallet; ISBN 0 86162 350 9; March 1985 2nd edition October 1998
£4 + £1 (p & p for UK)
Sunday, 14 January 2007
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